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Translation & Interpreting

Advanced Diploma of Interpreting

PSP60922 - Advanced Diploma of Interpreting
Course Overview
The Advanced Diploma of Interpreting prepares interpreters for work in all community, business and diplomatic domains, interpreting content that may not easily be predicted or planned for or that may require a high level of subject knowledge, or intense assignment specific preparation.
The community, business and diplomatic domains may include health and welfare, policing and courts, formal immigration hearings, education, the media, commerce, government and international relations, professional sectors such as the law, technology and science, and assignments involving formality, or participants with high status where the consequences of errors in communicative intent can have significant implications.
NAATI Certification
A Certified Interpreter transfers complex, non-specialised messages from a source language into a target language that accurately reflects the meaning.
Upon successfully completing the course, students who is a current Certified Provisional Interpreter will be eligible to sit in the Certified Interpreter test provided by NAATI.
Certification test (Certified Interpreter):click here
Study Modes
  • Face-to-face classroom-based learning
  • Practical training and assessment in Babel International College
  • Distance learning and assessment
Course Content
Code Unit Name  Core/Electives
PSPTIS131 Interpret in complex dialogue settings Core
PSPTIS132 Interpret in complex monologue settings Core
PSPTIS133 Interpret through communication media Core
PSPTIS134 Manage interactions in complex settings Core
PSPTIS135 Sight translate Core
PSPTIS136 Use complex subject area terminology in two languages Core
PSPTIS145 Apply codes and standards to professional judgement Core
PSPTIS146 Negotiate translating or interpreting assignments Core
PSPTIS149 Apply theories to interpreting work practices Core
PSPTIS137 Use chuchotage (whispered simultaneous) to interpret Electives
PSPTIS138 Use note taking to recall and reproduce source messages Electives
PSPTIS139 Demonstrate complex LOTE proficiency in different subjects and cultural contexts Electives
PSPTIS140 Demonstrate complex English proficiency in different subjects and cultural contexts Electives
PSPTIS103 Build glossaries for translating and interpreting assignments Electives
PSPTIS143 Use complex health terminology in two languages Electives
PSPTIS144 Use complex legal terminology in two languages Electives

Course Entry Requirements:
- Age 18 or above
- Completion of Year 12 or above
- Language Proficiency Requirement:
  IELTS overall band 6 or equivalent
Government-funded Students:
You may be eligible for a funded course at Babel International College if you are:
  • an Australian citizen; or a permanent visa holder; or holders of a sub-class 309, 444, 785, 790, or 820 visa; secondary holders of a temporary visa of sub-class 457or 482 visa, holders of a Bridging Visa E (subclasses 050 and 051) where the visa holder has made a valid application for a visa of subclass 785 or 790, Ukraine citizens who are holders of a visa sub-class 449 or 786, Afghan citizens who are holders of a visa sub-class 449, or holders of a bridging visa who are eligible to work and who have made a valid application for a subclass 866;
  • a resident of Western Australia; and
  • a jobseeker*
* A jobseeker is an individual that is currently unemployed or under-employed (working less than 20 hours a week with one or across multiple employers).

Duration: 52 weeks (Including 12 weeks of holidays) Domestic Student Fees:
  • Tuition fee: $4,255.65
The Student tuition fees are indicative only and are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. Additional fees may apply such as resource fees and other fees.
2024 Intakes:
24/02/2024, 24/08/2024

2025 Intakes:
22/02/2025, 23/08/2025

Duration: 52 weeks (Including 12 weeks of holidays) International Student Fees:
  • Tuition fee: $13,799
  • Application fee: $200
  • Resources fee: $100
2024 Intakes:
24/02/2024, 24/08/2024

2025 Intakes:
22/02/2025, 23/08/2025
CRICOS Code: 113233K